Friday, September 10, 2021

Writing words of encouragement and inspiration, that’s what I do. By Roger Lown.

 Writing and speaking words of life and encouragement into people’s lives, that’s what I do. By Roger Lown.

Your mind is capable of producing numerous thoughts and ideas.

Let’s start with one great idea.

First ask yourself a question; what idea or story can I create?

 You have just asked you sub-conscious mind a question and in time your mind will produce an answer. It could be during the day or at 3 am in the early morning when you are sound asleep. I’ve had plenty of these awakening! Have a pen or pencil and paper ready to jot down your thought.

The next step is very important. Not every idea you have is a great idea. You see ideas are just like science experiments. You have to test your ideas especially if it is an idea for a product or company. As long as your idea promotes health, well-being and passes the Common Sense test you are good to go to begin taking action on your idea.

About writing your own voice or creative story:

When meeting people and mentioning that I’m an author I usually get this response, “Roger I’d love to write my own book but I’m not a writer “. 

Ok let me ask two question, do you text on your phone often and do you often comment on social media? If you answered yes then you are a writer. Why not consider writing your own book and share your experiences of life survival with others? 

I published my book Change Your Life Through Writing with Outskirts Press Self-Publishing and I have and continue to have a positive experience with them. Their site is user friendly and the people at Outskirts are encouraging and are able to provide advice and answer most questions. Even if you are not ready to even think about a book I would suggest just giving them a phone call and letting them know that you are interested in writing your own book and have many questions. 

The biggest hurdle you need to jump is to believe that you have a thinking creative and inventive mind. We are born with a mind and our mind is designed to think create and invent.

Everything in life requires work. Whatever your passion is in life requires work. But when you enjoy, it does not feel like a burden as when compared to going dragging ourselves into work on a Monday morning. 

Take your time and don’t quit. Love what you do and before you know it you will have arrived where you want to be!

So as Yoda says, “Do or Do Not, there is no try”. Believe you can and you will. 

Would you like to purchase my books? Just click on the links: Change Your Life Through WRITING Your Mind Your Possibilities Go Get It! Do Not Disturb: This is my reading time


I also recommend clicking on these Amazon links: George Lucas Biography Les Brown Its Not Over Until You Win! The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs

Roger Lown

Writer Author 

My writing work and stories can be found on

You can support my writing work by clicking here. Thank you.



Thursday, April 25, 2019

 The Life and Tones Of The Lake City VFD.
The first due engine gets the action. A creative story.

             Senior driver, Al Selig, pulls engine 15 out of the bay. He waits impatiently for his volunteer crew of four to gear up. Al listens to the chatter on the county radio. Lake City Car one is on the scene reporting a confirmed structure fire; heavy flames are roaring from the living room window on the first floor of a four-bedroom colonial style, residential home. Tones go out for a second alarm. In frustration the senior driver yells at his firefighting crew with intense sarcasm, “If you guys hurry up we might be able to save the foundation!”
The apparatus is finally rolling and senior driver, Al Selig, is driving expeditiously down the highway. Captain Tom Reklaw, Al’s co-pilot, operates the attention getting air horns by yanking on the lanyard with a passion. While at the same time he presses the switch to the screaming mechanical siren without ceasing sending an audible message to motorists, “Get the hell out of the way!” 
If Al could bump and rub like they do on a racetrack then he definitely would. He wants to be the first-due engine’ on the scene in order to get himself and his crew in on the action. If his rig is third pumper on arrival-they may be re-directed to function only as a water supply pumper. Now there is nothing wrong with this position; water supply is vital. However, for a crew of well-trained interior firefighters, they all want to be in the action!
             Frank La Bracci is a senior firefighter and a lieutenant for the fire-police and traffic control unit, on an emergency scene. He arrives first on the scene and is preparing to direct the traffic once the apparatus arrive on the scene. Frank wonders which engine will arrive first as he hears sirens and air horns approaching from both his right and left hand side. By mere seconds, Al Selig arrives as the first-due engine’, with his chariot of heroes ready to do battle with the blazing inferno! His mission was accomplished as his crew moved quickly and bravely into position, holding the flames down from consuming the rest of the building.

I hope you enjoyed my short story. Your donation hepls to support more stories. Thank you. 

Monday, April 15, 2019

Encouragement! That's what I do. By Roger J Lown.

Dear Blogger friends,
I am Roger J Lown and I write to inspire, uplift, and motivate people via my e/books, speaking engagements, delight and enthusiasm in utilizing writing as an effective tool for helping people improve their lives. I seek opportunities through the Internet to spread my optimistic messages to people working on their dreams despite pessimistic atmospheres.
My approach is through empowering and building up an individual’s belief in himself or herself, thus encouraging them to utilize their own abilities in writing down their thoughts and ideas as an active and effective form of communication.
In my own personal experience of writing books, blogs, and posts, I emphasize and encourage the art of writing to reveal the opportunities in thoughts and ideas that our mind is capable of generating. When we understand how to program our minds to generate ideas and we understand that our past cannot stop us from doing great works and enjoying life, our lives get filled with joy and purpose.
Blogger friends, would you consider sharing my information with people you know who are like-minded ambitious optimistic go-getters? My work can be viewed on Facebook
I am also the author of paperbacks such as “Set Free” under the pen name of R James Lown, “Change Your life Through WRITING”, and eBooks, “Your Mind Your Possibilities Go Get It!”, “Do Not Disturb: This is my reading time” an eBook of light hearted short stories, “Your Encouraging Strategy” an eBook of daily inspiration and motivation.
Thank you Blogger friends for your time, I wish you well.
Roger J Lown
Writer Author Entrepreneur
By donating you help make it possible to make more encouraging videos. Thank you.


Sunday, February 17, 2019

Your Can's and Do's. By Roger J Lown. #ability #action #daily

Your Can's and Do's:
Can you write your name and fill out forms?
Can you write notes?
Do you hold conversations with people?
Do you comment and reply on social media?
Do you send text messages on a daily basis?

If you answered, "Yes" to the latter questions, put your Can's and Do's together. We have confirmed that you have the ability to communicate and write. That's what writing is, a written conversation with a person. Now the battle is getting you to accept that you have the ability to write your ideas and your life story. Remember this, writing is not just about a book it is your ideas and suggestions, a written strategy of business, life goals kept on record to keep track of, and personal improvements to work on.

 We have the ability to write on a daily basis such as filling out forms and writing notes. We are able to stretch our writing ability to write our thoughts and ideas. Writing gives us a vision and allows us to see our possibilities on paper. From that point we are able to decide, plan, and take action on our ideas. Our mind is capable of producing great ideas. However, our ideas are similar to science experiments. They must be tested for common sense, benefit, safety, health and well being. Once our ideas pass through these filters successfully, we can begin working them from our dream to our reality.
I appreciate you in giving of your time to read my post. I wish you well.
Roger J Lown

These books are avialable by clicking on the following Amazon links: Change Your Life Through WRITING Your Mind Your Possibilities Go Get It! Do Not Disturb: This is my reading time

I also recommend clicking on these links to books on Amazon: George Lucas Biography Les Brown Its Not Over Until You Win! The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs

I own a Gateway Laptop and used this device to transfer my writing paperwork to windows document to write create and publish Change Your Life Through WRITING.
Another writer author friendly device I rely on is my Mac that I highly recommend

For more Information about Roger J Lown and his writing work visit the following sites:
Roger J Lown Blog Site:
Thank you for reading and I appreciate your comments.
Roger J Lown

Writer Author Entrepreneur

Writing words of encouragement and inspiration, that’s what I do. By Roger Lown.

  Writing and speaking words of life and encouragement into people’s lives, that’s what I do. By Roger Lown. Your mind is capable of produci...